Playstation Terms of Service and User Agreement Ws-37368-7

As a PlayStation user, you may have encountered the error code WS-37368-7 while trying to log in to your account. This error code is often associated with a violation of the PlayStation Network`s terms of service and user agreement. In this article, we will explore what these terms of service and user agreement entail, and what you can do to avoid running into this error code in the future.

Terms of Service and User Agreement

When you sign up for a PlayStation Network account, you are required to agree to the terms of service and user agreement. These documents outline the rules and regulations that govern your use of the PlayStation Network. Some of the key points covered in these documents include:

1. Age Restrictions – Users must be at least 18 years of age to use the PlayStation Network.

2. Behavior Guidelines – Users are prohibited from engaging in any behavior that is deemed harmful, abusive, or offensive.

3. Data Privacy – Users are required to protect their personal information and follow the data privacy guidelines outlined in the terms of service and user agreement.

4. Content Restrictions – Users must adhere to the content restrictions outlined in the terms of service and user agreement. This includes the prohibition of sharing any content that is deemed harmful, offensive, or discriminatory.

WS-37368-7 Error Code

If you violate any of the terms of service and user agreement guidelines, you may encounter the WS-37368-7 error code. This code indicates that your account has been suspended or banned due to a violation of the PlayStation Network`s terms of service. This can be a frustrating experience for users, as it can prevent them from accessing their favorite games and content.

How to Avoid the WS-37368-7 Error Code

To avoid running into the WS-37368-7 error code, it is important to understand and follow the guidelines outlined in the terms of service and user agreement. This means being mindful of your behavior on the network, protecting your personal information, and avoiding sharing any content that falls outside of the content restrictions.

In addition to following the guidelines outlined by the PlayStation Network, it is also important to keep your account secure. This means using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious when sharing personal information online.


The terms of service and user agreement for the PlayStation Network are in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users. Violating these guidelines can result in the WS-37368-7 error code, which can prevent you from accessing your account and everything it has to offer. By understanding and following the guidelines outlined in the terms of service and user agreement, you can avoid running into this error code and enjoy all the benefits of the PlayStation Network.